Full Sail大学

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金融援助 Code of Conduct
Full Sail大学 (“University”) hereby adopts this Code of Conduct (“Code”) relating to its financial aid and educational loan practices:

I. Prohibition of Certain Remuneration to University Employees

1. 军官, 受托人, 董事, 员工, 或大学代理人不得代表自己或代表他人从贷款机构或代表贷款机构接受超过面值的任何东西, except that this provision shall not be construed to prohibit any officer, 受托人, 导演, 员工, or agent of the University from conducting non-University business with any Lending Institution. As used in the preceding sentence and throughout this Code, a Lending Institution is defined as:

  • (a) Any entity that itself or through an affiliate engages in the business of making loans to students, parents or others for purposes of financing higher education expenses or that securitizes such loans; or
  • (b) Any entity, or association of entities, that guarantees education loans.

2. Notwithstanding the prohibitions in subsection I.1 or any other provision of this Code of Conduct:

  • (a) The University may hold membership in any nonprofit professional association;
  • (b)大学官员, 受托人, 导演, 员工, 或不受雇于大学经济援助办公室的代理人,不承担高等教育贷款或经济援助的责任, 是否可以担任贷款机构或行业协会的外部董事,并按贷款机构或行业协会制定的外部董事薪酬标准领取薪酬, 提供 that any University officer, 受托人, 导演, 员工, 或在贷款机构或行业协会董事会任职的代理人不得参与可能影响大学利益并因此产生利益冲突的董事会讨论或决定, and 提供 further that such University officer, 受托人, 导演, 员工 or agent receives annual written notice of the requirements of this Code of Conduct.

3. The prohibition set forth in the subparagraph I.上述1项应包括, 但不限于, 禁止贷款机构(不包括国家机构董事会和/或类似的政府或非营利实体)向大学员工支付任何住宿费用, 餐, or travel to conferences or training seminars.

II. Limitations on University Employees Participating on Lender 顾问委员会

The University shall prohibit any officer, 受托人, 导演, 员工, or agent of the University from receiving any remuneration for serving as a member or participant of an advisory board of a Lending Institution, or receiving any reimbursement of expenses for so serving, 提供, 然而, that participation on advisory boards that are unrelated in any way to higher education loans shall not be prohibited by the Agreement.

3. Prohibition of Certain Remuneration to the University

大学不得代表自己接受任何贷款机构的任何有价值的东西,以换取贷款机构提供的与其教育贷款活动有关的任何利益或对价. This prohibition shall include, 但不限于, (i) “revenue sharing” by a Lending Institution with the University, (ii)大学从任何借贷机构收到的以低于市场价格购买的电脑硬件,以及(iii)打印费用或服务. Notwithstanding anything else in this paragraph, the University may accept assistance as contemplated in 34 CFR 682.200(b)(“贷款人”的定义)(5)(i)及本协议中的任何内容均不得禁止或限制大学的“学院作为贷款人”项目或法律允许的任何后续或附属贷款项目.

IV. Alternative Loan Preferred Lender Lists

如果大学就替代贷款发布了首选或推荐贷款人名单或类似排名或指定(“首选贷款人名单”), 然后:

  • (a)每一本小册子, 列出优先贷款人名单的网页或其他文件必须清楚地披露大学为该优先贷款人名单选择贷款人的过程, including but not limited to the criteria used in compiling said list and the relative importance of those criteria.
  • (b)每一本小册子, 列出首选贷款人名单或在该首选贷款人名单上确定任何贷款人的网页或其他文件应以与文件主要文字相同的字体和方式声明,学生及其家长有权利和能力选择他们所选择的教育贷款提供者, are not limited to or required to use any of the lenders on said Preferred Lender List, and will suffer no penalty from the University for choosing a lender that is not on said Preferred Lender List. 除了, 每一本这样的小册子, web page or other document that sets forth a Preferred Lender List shall include a statement that the University is required to process, and shall not delay the processing of, the documents required to obtain a loan from any eligible lender the student or parents select.
  • (c)大学决定将贷款机构列入任何此类名单,以及大学决定在名单上出现贷款机构的名称,应完全考虑使用该名单的学生或家长的最大利益,而不考虑大学的经济利益.
  • (d) The constitution of any Preferred Lender List shall be reviewed no less than annually.
  • (e)任何贷款机构都不得被列入任何优先贷款机构名单,除非该贷款机构向大学以及从该贷款机构获得贷款的学生和家长借款人保证,无论该贷款机构的贷款是否被出售,其所宣传的还款福利将继续适用于学生和家长借款人的利益.
  • (f)凡大学明确知道其有协议将其贷款出售给另一家非附属贷款机构的贷款机构,均不得列入任何首选贷款机构名单,除非该协议在其中以与首选贷款机构名单中出现的文件的主要文本相同的字体和方式披露.
  • (g)任何贷款机构不得被列入大学的任何一个优先贷款机构名单,也不得被列入大学的任何一个优先贷款机构名单,以获得特定类型的贷款, in exchange for benefits 提供 to the University or to the University’s students in connection with a different type of loan.
  • (h)每个首选贷款人名单应包括至少三个Title IV贷款的无关联贷方和至少两个私人教育贷款的无关联贷方, and for any affiliated lenders on the list, the University shall disclose the specifics of such affiliation.
  • (i) The University may provide a list of allowable and prohibited practices and services that Lending Institutions may provide.
  • (j)大学不得允许任何贷款机构以任何方式使用大学的名称或任何标志或标志来推销任何贷款,以暗示大学认可贷款机构提供的贷款.
  • (k) The University shall prohibit the use of the logo of any Lending Institution on the University’s financial aid materials.

V. Prohibition of Lending Institutions’ Staffing of University 金融援助 Offices

大学应禁止贷款机构的雇员或其他代理人向大学的学生或未来的学生或其父母确认为大学的雇员或代理人. No 员工 or other agent of a Lending Institution may staff the University financial aid offices at any time.

VI. Prohibition of Opportunity Loans

The University shall not arrange with a Lending Institution to provide any “Opportunity Loans.“机会贷款”一词系指规定贷款人向信用记录不良或无信用记录的学生发放总额不超过规定数额的贷款的协议, or international students who the Lender claims would otherwise not be eligible for the Lender’s alternative loan program.

7. 利益冲突

本守则应禁止与任何大学职员的职责有利益冲突或出现利益冲突, 员工 or agent with respect to student loans or other financial aid.

8. 培训

The University shall require all of its officers, 员工 and agents with responsibilities with respect to student loans or other financial aid annually to obtain training, and/or to acknowledge compliance, 遵守本行为准则.