毕业生Elle Simone Scott身穿蓝色双排扣厨师夹克,胸前有美国测试厨房的标志,站在白色背景下微笑着.

Our Grads

Elle Simone Scott Combines the Kitchen with the Film Set at PBS
A man with short, dark, 卷发,蓝色衬衫,戴着线框眼镜,坐在喷泉前看着旁边.

Our Grads

Will Torres wears a gray pinstriped suit with a red tie, a red carnation on the lapel, and sunglasses.

Our Grads

Jordan Moed stands in his studio and holds an award for 10,000 streams for his song “Finding Atlantis.”

Our Grads

This Music Production Grad Composes Songs for the NHL
Grad Sydney Phillips, 一个深棕色头发的女人,穿着灰色连帽运动衫,戴着黑色耳罩式耳机, 坐在写字台前的笔记本电脑前的记者包厢里俯瞰着足球场上穿着制服的运动员.

Our Grads

New Media Journalism Grad Leading Marketing with Campus Nation
这幅紫色和蓝色调的现代图形配以黄色高光,描绘了一位平面设计师使用台式电脑和手写笔,周围环绕着拼贴画, which includes an anatomical model, arrows, rulers, clouds, and a film icon.


'Newsweek' Names Full Sail in "America's Top Online Colleges 2022"
A screenshot of Max software, a visual music programming language. 标有声音的盒子用线连接到标有州名的盒子上.


一名金发女子身穿牛仔夹克,外搭海军蓝上衣和黑色短裙,双臂交叉站在那里. 她在户外,在一条河的前面,远处是山.

Our Grads

This Public Relations Grad is Striking Gold at a Major PR Firm
Instructor Eric Berzins, a man with a grey goatee, 站在一堵镶有木板的墙前,穿着一件蓝色的钮扣衬衫,戴着绿色的Full Sail挂绳,上面挂着名牌.

Students & Faculty


Our Grads


Our Grads

Digital Cinematography Grad Launches Houston-Based Creative Agency
Featured story thumb - Faculty Spotlight Michael Hanly Mob

Students & Faculty

Faculty Spotlight: Michael Hanly (Digital Cinematography)
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