
认识一下创建了两家创新企业的毕业生 ... 他还没有结束

创新 & 创业 master's grad Jaune Odombrown founded Rock the Base and Smartpreneur with a little help from 满帆.

认识一下创建了两家创新企业的毕业生 ... 他还没有完成-英雄形象

Jaune Odombrown has a lot on his plate, but he likes it that way. 的 创新与创业硕士 毕业生是Rock the Base的联合创始人, a live entertainment touring company that produces shows on military installations, 也是Smartpreneur的创始人, 创业发展机构. He also works with student entrepreneurs at the University of California, Irvine. Jaune's tenacity and commitment to helping others has helped him create opportunities that speak to his passions.

Jaune became an entrepreneur before he was old enough to drive a car. He says that as an at-risk kid growing up in the foster care system, he 搜索ed for meaningful goals to focus on and began playing piano at age 11. He started composing his own music and began selling segments of his songs to his classmates for use in their own creative projects. "That's where I began having that confidence that I could start something and create something out of nothing, 这就是企业家的血液开始发挥作用的地方,他说.

当琼在9/11之后高中毕业的时候, 他选择为国效力,加入了海军陆战队. His inventive nature served him well during back-to-back tours in Afghanistan. 在那段时间里, 他创建了一个数据库, 叫做战斗力量追踪者, 帮他组织人员, 任务, and equipment while he was leading other Marines in combat zones.

"It was very successful and the next thing I knew, we passed it off to the Army. I ended up getting an award for creating something that was substantial in a time of need,琼说。.

军事 leaders noticed Jaune's natural aptitude for business and encouraged him to pursue entrepreneurship. He decided to revisit his passion for music and enrolled in the Entertainment 业务 program at the Los Angeles 电影 School. After attending campus presentations featuring pros from the live touring industry, Jaune saw a way to combine his love for music and his military experience.

"We had a lot of industry experts coming in to talk about business in the touring industry,他说. "I realized that live entertainment tours never stop on our bases. 我们有自己的小城市,每天有6万人. Why would they not want to come and tour the military installations?"

有了这样的见解, 琼为Rock the Base做了一个宣传, a company that gives military members and their families access to live performances. 他和他的朋友达蒙·辛顿搭档, who had worked as an executive bodyguard for acts like Paul McCartney, 凯蒂·佩里, 夏奇拉, 和桑塔纳.

"We decided that he would do the touring side and I would do the military side,琼说。. "We ended up getting some of our first contracts from the Department of Defense to produce live entertainment on military installations across the country."

Jaune was excited to start scaling his business, but Rock the Base immediately ran into obstacles. 的y struggled to put all of the pieces together for their live shows and received mixed messages from other entrepreneurs when they asked for help.

Jaune decided to go back to school to learn more about the nuts and bolts of entrepreneurship, 他加入了满帆的创新公司 & 创业硕士课程的第一年. 作为项目的一部分, he created a new business model with an entrepreneur's roadmap to help new business owners avoid the pitfalls he was experiencing. 结果就是Smartpreneur.

"Smartpreneur is about doing smart things along the way and thinking about SMART criteria: specific, 可衡量的, 可以实现的, 有关, 适时的[目标],他说. "I felt that Smartpreneur would be 创业发展机构, which would help entrepreneurs from ideation to implementation of their idea."

Jaune was gearing up to grow his businesses in 2020 when the pandemic hit. Despite the COVID-related challenges in the live entertainment and education industries, 他找到了扩展Rock the Base和Smartpreneur的方法. 他计划在Rock the Base的演出中加入直播元素, which can expand an event's audience and create a larger footprint for performing artists. He's also shifting Smartpreneur's classes online to give the company an invaluable reach.

朱恩认为创新 & 创业 master's students can juggle their own entrepreneurial passions if they enter 满帆's master's program with an idea ready to go.

"Don't go to the program with the process of, ‘的y'll help me get an idea,'他说. “这是一个硕士og体育. 这是一个建立实质性东西的项目. You could walk off with not only a degree, but with a business. 所以它可以归结为在你开始之前有一些东西."