Full Sail University

Announcing the 13th Annual Hall of Fame Induction Class

Full Sail的名人堂仪式是一年一度的活动,我们表彰一群精选的毕业生,他们对自己的职业生涯表现出独特的关注和奉献精神, and serve as continuing inspiration to our student body.

A photograph of the Hall of Fame award.

Full Sail大学自豪地宣布第13届Full Sail大学名人堂入会典礼, 由六名在娱乐媒体和新兴技术领域做出杰出贡献的毕业生组成. 新一批获奖者的入选将在Full Sail第13届年度名人堂周期间举行, scheduled to be held April 16-21, 2023.

Full Sail的名人堂是一系列为期一周的混合活动,以校园范围和虚拟产品为特色,包括:

  • Guest panels, lectures, workshops, and hands-on technology demonstrations from leading industry experts, influencers, and companies.
  • 职业网络活动侧重于Full Sail学生和校友的就业和指导.
  • 科技博览展示最新科技发展趋势及互动体验.
  • Interactive Creative Challenges for students and alumni.
  • Live musical performances featuring a variety of artists and genres.
  • Gaming tournaments, film screenings, and more.

Several events will also be made available to the public via online streaming. 这一周将包括一个入会仪式来庆祝和表彰这批最新的入会人员.

The inductees to be honored during the 13th Annual Hall of Fame Week are:

A three-by-two grid of close-up portraits of the six inductees.

Brandon Blackwell

  • CEO & Founder of Blackwell Productions; Front of House, Monitor & Broadcast Mixer, Author
  • Brandon freelanced as an Audio Engineer and Production Manager for Chew Entertainment, where he worked with Music Director Ray Chew and his wife Vivian. During his time there, 他为音乐会和包括帕蒂·拉贝尔(Patti LaBelle)等艺术家在内的特别活动混合了监视器, Chaka Khan, Usher, Pharrell, and the Isley Brothers, among others.
  • Brandon founded Blackwell Productions in 2014 and mixed monitors for R&B artist Ne-Yo. He then went on his first tour with one of the most iconic female groups of all time, TLC, as the Monitor Engineer and Production Manager.
  • Since starting his career, Brandon has worked alongside and mixed notable industry names like A$AP Rocky, Camila Cabello, Big Sean, Lizzo, 24kGoldn, Drake, Beyoncé (Oscars), Baby Keem, Kendrick Lamar, and many more.
  • In 2022, 布兰登和他的妻子阿里尔想通过写一本名为 The Beat in My Head. It is the first children’s book focused on becoming an audio engineer.
  • 2013 Graduate (Show Production)

Aaron Hamilton Cook

  • Producer at Bioware
  • Aaron是一名空军老兵,开始在国防高级研究项目(DARPA)合同的军事和医疗模拟行业工作。, Office of Naval Research (ONR), Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), and various other agencies.
  • 为了回馈全赛大学的学生和毕业生, Aaron dedicates time to mentoring students and graduates, as well as speaking to the veteran student population and incoming students.
  • Additionally, Aaron曾在Full Sail的游戏和娱乐业务项目咨询委员会(PACs)任职数年.
  • Some of Aaron’s notable credits include Dragon Age: Dreadwolf, The Witcher 3, Dying Light, The Lord of the Rings, The Wizard of Oz, The Hobbit, James Bond, Wonder Woman, and the band The Dear Hunter.
  • 2012 & 2013 Graduate (Recording Arts and Game Design)

Caris Baker

  • Senior Technical Artist at Unity Technologies
  • Within the Artificial Intelligence Organization with Unity Technologies, Caris负责设计和交付合成数据集和合成数据集生成器,以训练计算机视觉模型.
  • Previously, in her role at Walter P Moore, she designed, developed, and delivered virtual reality (VR) tools and experiences, and improved data transformation pipelines from CAD to Unity. She became a champion for VR for the architecture, engineering, 和建筑(AEC)行业通过多次公开演讲和共同撰写的研究论文.
  • 在她职业生涯的早期,她是Full Sail大学游戏设计和游戏开发的实验室专家, Caris cared deeply for the students and their experience. Today, she continues to be an advocate and mentor through her volunteer work. She has served on the Game Art Program Advisory Committee (PAC), and she has taken part in countless guest lectures and panels.
  • Caris作为Unity中小企业志愿者参加游戏jam比赛,使医疗和军事模拟行业受益.
  • Caris在2021年游戏开发者大会(GDC)上讨论了将游戏技能用于实际应用的问题。”!Games: Technical Art Outside of Games.”
  • 在她的独立开发生涯和Caris的独资经营中,她展示了她对艺术的热情, an illustration and caricature practice.
  • In 2019, Caris因其对全球游戏文化的贡献而被授予Walter Day电子游戏和弹球交易卡的收藏.
  • 2013 Graduate (Game Art)

Victor Herrera da Silva

  • CEO of Nuestra Visión and Founder & Managing Partner of ReadyAnt Studios
  • Victor目前担任Nuestra Visión的首席执行官,这是一个24/7西班牙语电视频道,由amsamica Móvil拥有, 该公司是福布斯全球2000强公司,也是领先的电信公司,通过无线广播电台组成的网络在美国拥有数百万观众, MVPDs (DISH Network and DIRECTV), and digital live streaming services like Sling TV, DIRECTV Stream, Televisa Univision’s Vix, and Nuestra Visión’s mobile app. The channel features the most important and prestigious library of Mexican movies, live sports, news, sports news, and special events.
  • In addition, Victor founded ReadyAnt Studios, a full-service digital media and marketing agency focused on the metaverse, advertising, creative, and business fields. ReadyAnt Studios为各个行业的合作伙伴和客户提供服务,并通过围绕技术和创意领域的项目生产原创知识产权, including virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality, marketing and advertising, business consulting, and creative content production such as mobile apps, game development, video production, motion graphics, and web development.
  • Previously, Victor worked at Verizon Enterprise Solutions. 作为特别项目部的负责人,他支持公司的努力,并负责设计, development, testing and launching of interactive virtual applications, over 20 video productions, and special project initiatives to solidify presence, increase sales, and expand market penetration with Fortune 100 companies, corporate initiatives, and compliance.
  • Victor has been a member of the International Academy of Television Arts & 科学,并有机会担任2020年和2021年国际艾美奖的陪审员.
  • 2007 & 2019 Graduate (Game Development and Entertainment Business)

Devan Renea

  • Staff Writer for Warner Bros. Television in conjunction with the OWN Network and Founder of Boss Up Productions
  • After graduating from her third Full Sail University degree program, Devan被艾美奖著名的电视学院基金会实习项目录取. 后来,她在奥普拉·温弗瑞电视网的节目中担任节目制作人的助理, and has worked as a writer’s assistant for DC Universe, as well as a writer’s assistant on Freeform.
  • Devan is a staff writer on season one of the upcoming Warner Bros. TV-produced, OWN drama series Delilah, and most recently she served as the script coordinator for Mike, the biography of Mike Tyson.
  • In her personal life, Devan is an entrepreneur and advocate at heart. She is the owner and CEO of Boss Up Productions, a multi-platform production company, and a dedicated screenwriting instructor for Kids in the Spotlight, a nonprofit filmmaking initiative for foster care youth.
  • Devan has served as the Board Co-Chair President of Black Employees of Warner Bros. 她还积极参与指导Full Sail校友,并在课堂上回馈社会, as well as being a panelist at campus and online events.
  • 2012, 2013, & 2015 Graduate (Film, Education Media Design & Technology, Creative Writing)

Jeff “Supa Jeff” Villanueva

  • Sound Designer/Recording Engineer at TyFy Studios
  • 杰夫的职业生涯横跨娱乐行业的各个领域,从电视和电影的音频, video games, concert tours, theme parks and attractions, and the music industry.
  • To date, 杰夫的作品在全球销售了超过1.1亿张唱片,并为他赢得了四项格莱美奖.
  • 作为一名工程师/混音师,他最著名的工作是与超级制作人Rodney“Darkchild”Jerkins合作, DJ Khaled, and The Runners of We the Best Music Group, and with artists such as Lionel Richie, Mary J. Blige, Jay-Z, Beyoncé, Usher, Mariah Carey, Drake, Rihanna, and many others.
  • 最近,Jeff的持续成功和经验帮助他跨入了AAA游戏领域, working on titles such as Madden NFL 20 and NBA Live 19.
  • Jeff currently works as an Engineer/Sound Designer for TyFy Studios, adding his expertise to Walt Disney Parks & Resorts Worldwide with shows such as nighttime fireworks spectaculars, as well as to the Walt Disney Animation Studios feature Encanto, where he assisted in the recording of “We Don’t Talk About Bruno.”
  • 1998 Graduate (Recording Arts)

Since 2009, Full Sail大学已经庆祝了一个历史悠久的传统,那就是Full Sail大学名人堂. 它的目的是表彰那些在大学40多年的历史中为娱乐、媒体和新兴技术领域做出杰出贡献的毕业生.

This honor serves as a tribute to the creative inspiration, technical brilliance, and determination of each inductee, 他们在十多年的职业生涯中孜孜不倦地奉献卓越, and their heartfelt commitment to the students, faculty, staff, and alumni of Full Sail University.
