Full Sail University

名人堂成员本杰明·赖斯与Lady Gaga和迪士尼合作

这位获得格莱美奖的Full Sail毕业生对音乐的热爱使他成为Lady Gaga的制片角色, Julia Michaels, Disney animated films, and more.

名人堂入会者本杰明·赖斯与Lady Gaga和迪士尼英雄形象一起工作

全帆名人堂入门者本杰明·赖斯曾帮助赛琳娜·戈麦斯等艺术家创作和制作歌曲, Ariana Grande, John Legend, and Julia Michaels. 但这是他作为Lady Gaga的制作人的长期角色,也是他为她的电影配乐做出的贡献 A Star is Born – that led him to the Grammys.

“[Being nominated for my work on the A Star is Born 这是我第一次参加格莱美, and I sat in the first row right next to [Lady Gaga]. She was chair number one, and I was chair number two right at the very, very front, 就在台阶旁边……我没想到会坐在第一排. So that was pretty wild,” he recalls.

我喜欢能够参与创造对别人有意义的东西, to move someone in some way."

当晚,本凭借《OG官网》获得了格莱美最佳视觉媒体歌曲奖,” the soundtrack’s standout hit. 格莱美奖对音乐行业的任何人来说都是职业生涯的最高点, 但它们只是本非凡的音乐之旅中的一站.

A Lifelong Love of Music

Ben’s commitment to music kicked off at age 12, 当他注意到他所在教堂敬拜乐队的鼓手演奏时. It was the first time Ben had seen the drums played live, 他开始在教堂里闲逛,用他们的架子鼓伴奏电台里的歌曲.

他继续演奏音乐,并在高中时开始在一家录音室当学徒, which turned into an internship. When he started a band called Pilotdrift in college, Ben发现,与他的乐队成员同时进行写作过程和录音室录音过程会产生卓越的创作效果. 在“玻璃的两面”工作的经历给了他一个独特的视角,帮助他整个职业生涯.

“学习如何设计和录制其他人的音乐,然后加入一个乐队,尝试录制和制作自己的想法,这需要很多的交叉授粉,” Ben says. “Being able to capture tones, craft ideas, and produce, and have your fingerprints on all those sounds and ideas, was something early that I really felt drawn to. To be able to work both sides of the glass, to learn the engineering side, but also to be on the other side and to be a performer, to be playing, to be writing. 这就是我现在所做的,从本质上说,就是在做玻璃的两面.”

Ben wound up on the road touring with Pilotdrift, but he also wanted to explore other career possibilities. He joined the military, 但几年后,他因伤出院,决定重返乐坛. 他利用《OG官网》的福利进入Full Sail学习录音艺术.

During his time at Full Sail, 本学到了更多关于音乐制作过程的细节,并培养了一种值得注意的职业道德. Three months before he graduated, 本联系了全赛欧大学毕业生和名人堂入选者乔什·古德温, which sparked a decades-long professional relationship. After Ben moved to Los Angeles, 乔什帮助他获得了洛杉矶著名录音室Record Plant的采访机会.

“Josh向Record Plant推荐给我一次面试机会,这是打开这种可能性大门的关键,” Ben says. “And that's really the best gift anyone can give you. 没有人能给你指明道路或者给你车钥匙然后说, ‘Here's how to do everything,’ but they can connect you to people.”

Working with Lady Gaga

At Record Plant, Ben与工作室里的其他制作人和工程师建立了良好的关系,并积累了处理各种类型游戏的经验, 从乐队到录音再到管弦乐编曲. 本的老板注意到了他的额外努力,当Lady Gaga来到录音室制作她的专辑时 Artpop he gave Ben a role as a staff engineer.

“我永远不会忘记被Lady Gaga的职业道德深深打动的瞬间, her creative commitments, her insatiable desire to make things better, to push the bar, to push herself, to write, to produce, to record. 从麦克风的选择到混音的方式,每一个细节都要注意……我从来没有和像她这样的人合作过, and I just remember immediately thinking, ‘I want to be a part of that. 如果成功的话,我想以某种方式成为这支球队的一员.’”

本专注于给Lady Gaga和她的团队留下好印象, 这一切都得到了回报:他得到了和她直接合作完成任务的机会 Artpop.

“(在第一天和她一起工作之前)我整晚没睡,”本回忆道. “I slept at the studio, going through all the songs on the hard drive, familiarizing myself with [them]. 然后(想),‘如果她明天想为这首歌演唱,我该怎么做? Do I have tracks ready? 这个会话是准备好马上开始录制,还是我需要清理一些东西? 黑板上的所有东西都是按照它应该的方式出现的吗?’”

接下来的几周,本一直与Lady Gaga和她的制作人并肩工作,直到 Artpop was complete. 这是一段广泛的职业关系的开始,把本从唱片工厂带到了格莱美奖.

“[Working on Artpop] led to years of work with her. 我从第二工程师变成了她的工程师再到她的声音工程师再到声音制作人负责作曲和调音等等. It just continued to grow,” Ben says.

A Star is Born

In 2016, Lady Gaga找到了Ben,请他为她即将上映的电影制作配乐 A Star is Born. 他们多年来建立起来的职业纽带 Artpop helped them create the blockbuster album.

“At that point in my relationship with her, there's a comfort level that [we] had developed,” he says. “She's an incredibly talented artist, we all know that. 但她也很脚踏实地,对她的艺术和工作非常投入,我也是. 我感受到了她对我的信任,我当然也相信她. 我们开始有了一种融洽的关系,我们可以讨论声音, 感觉就像我和(前)乐队成员之间的关系一样.”

The production process for the A Star is Born 配乐与Ben在《OG官网》中所熟悉的过程相似. 许多歌曲都是在制作的同时创作的, 本又开始在玻璃的两面工作了.

“我和(这部电影的制片人兼导演)布莱德利·库珀(Bradley Cooper)合作了两年, coming into the studio on a daily or weekly basis. [Him saying], ‘Here's what's happening in the script. Here's what's happening in this scene.’ The musicians are there. 两年来,我们都在努力塑造这些想法……这就是我和(Lady Gaga)的关系. Ultimately just building that trust, building that loyalty, building that comfort, 并证明了我可以被信任,继续迎接挑战, to do a good job,” Ben says.

说这部电影的原声带很成功是一种轻描淡写的说法——它的销量超过了1万部.2 million copies in the US in 2019. 它还在2019年格莱美奖上获得了七项提名(包括《OG官网》的年度最佳唱片和年度最佳歌曲),并获得了两项提名(《OG官网》的最佳流行双人/组合表演和最佳视觉媒体歌曲)。. 本在台上接受了格莱美最佳视觉媒体歌曲奖. 几年后,他得到了另一个为整部电影写配乐的机会.


Ben’s working relationship with another musician, singer/songwriter Julia Michaels, 让他有机会出演迪士尼2023年的动画长片 Wish. 他和朱莉娅断断续续地合作了大约8年,他们在创意上建立了坚实的信任基础. When Julia was asked to create songs for Wish, she brought Ben along as a co-writer and producer.

The collaborative production process on Wish 是本两面工作经验的延伸吗. 他在录音室里演奏乐器,与茱莉亚一起写作,同时他还设计和制作了电影的歌曲.

“(茱莉亚和我)必须保持彼此的灵感,我们能够不断地利用我们已经建立起来的关系……(如果我们)是两个陌生人第一次见面,接受这个挑战,这将是一个更大的挑战。, 但是我们已经建立了那种二手的交流方式,” Ben explains. “有很多事情我们不需要讨论,我们天生就能理解对方……如果她在唱歌。, she likes to say that if I laugh, that means it's good. 她会做一些非常不可思议的事情,我只是笑了笑,我们都说,“是的,就是这样。. Let’s keep moving.’”

Working on Wish came with some exciting new challenges. 在录制《OG官网》的过程中,有一首歌 wildlife and plants harmonize together, 本必须帮助挑选28位歌手,并为他们在福克斯的纽曼计分台一起唱歌时录音.

“We're at the Newman Scoring Stage. 这是一个历史性的进球阶段,非常非常重要. 在那里工作本身就是一种体验……(在我们的歌里) I'm a Star在美国,当我们让大自然复活时,它需要我们预先分配的很多声音. This is recording a session where we have 28 people, so 28 vocal boosts, 28 mics, 28个GoPro相机可以捕捉他们唱歌时的面部表情,以防以后在动画中用到, all [of that] is in one take. 我们从头到尾录制了整首歌……我们在福克斯的直播室内同时录制了28个人的声音.

Ben继续说道:“我认为我们甚至打破了迪士尼的记录. “他们说,就录音而言,这是他们做过的最大的事业.”

Leaving a Legacy

本12岁时在教堂打鼓,现在已经有了很大的进步. 他参与的项目数量和与他合作的艺术家数量都在不断增长, 他对音乐和制作过程的持续热爱帮助他建立了一个遗产.

“我喜欢能够成为创造对别人有意义的东西的一部分, to move someone in some way. 当我不在的时候,我想成为制造这些东西的一部分, to have a legacy, 感觉自己为这个充满激情的世界做出了贡献,” Ben says.

“(音乐)是一种我们都会说的语言,我们都会受到它的影响,”他继续说道. “无论你是在婚礼上还是在生活中的其他重要时刻演奏歌曲, 音乐永远是每个人生活中的伴侣,就像配乐一样. 所以我很高兴能和这么多才华横溢的人一起工作, to learn so much, 成为对世界有影响的事物的一部分, that mean something to other people. And by extension, it means a ton to me.”