Full Sail University

MEDIA & Communications

Many voices. One global conversation.

在一个沟通孕育联系的世界里, 分享经验的行为已经成为我们的第二天性. 社区不再有地理边界——一个突发新闻, oddball commercial, 或者激烈的社会辩论可以在几分钟内获得全球曝光.

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如果你正在考虑攻读媒体学位, communication degree, or social media degree, 我们的课程可能适合你. 它们的设计是为了捕捉你的创造力,并教你讲一个有意义的故事背后的实用技巧, unique story. Whether it’s through journalism, marketing, creative writing, or public relations, 你将通过研讨会和正在进行的投资组合项目来磨练你的技能,这些项目旨在帮助你找到自己的声音——这是你作为一名沟通专业人士成长的基本要素.

查看我们每个网站的简短概述 Media & Communications degree programs,包括学习领域和课程亮点.

Ready to take the next step? You can 请求更多og体育节目的信息 or call us at 800.226.7625.

Media & Communications Degree Programs
Campus Online

In this program, 学生们通过各种练习来磨练他们的写作技巧, assignments, 以及让他们准备好满足这个由创意梦想家推动的行业需求的项目.

  • Areas of Study
  • Storytelling
  • Research
  • Marketing & Pitching
Campus Online


  • Areas of Study
  • Written & Visual Communications
  • Digital Audio & Video Production
Campus Online

本课程培养学生在探索视觉叙事的同时磨练他们的写作能力, narrative structures, character development, 和故事板,创造精心制作的故事,吸引消费者.

  • Areas of Study
  • Character Creation
  • Story Development
  • Writing
Instructional Design & Technology Master's
Instructional Design & Technology Master's

Students explore how to create, improve, 运用多媒体教学工具来激励和吸引观众, 同时也为教学设计打下了坚实的基础.

  • Areas of Study
  • Understanding & Motivating Your Audience
  • 创建富媒体互动课程
Intensive English Certificate
Intensive English Certificate
Campus Online

In the IE courses of study, students build skills in reading, writing, listening, 使用丰富的多媒体学习工具, 同时注重大学认可的语言能力测试, language proficiency exams.

  • Areas of Study
  • Speaking & Listening
  • Reading, Writing & Grammar
Campus Online

本课程培养学生有效地利用当今的媒体, share knowledge and information, and maximize audience response.

  • Areas of Study
  • Integrated Marketing
  • Social Media Strategy
  • Storytelling

本课程旨在为学生提供媒体传播渠道的实际工作知识, 让他们能够创造出一种动态的新闻内容,能够接触到今天的观众.

  • Areas of Study
  • Multimedia Content Development
  • Journalism Fundamentals & Reporting Skills
Public Relations Master's
Public Relations Master's

本课程让学生扎实掌握传统公共关系方法的基础, while also helping them plan, research, execute, 评估有效的媒体策略.

  • Areas of Study
  • PR Foundations
  • PR Strategy & Communications
  • Measurement
商科理学士结业项目|体育营销 & Media Concentration
商科理学士结业项目|体育营销 & Media Concentration
Campus Online


  • Areas of Study
  • Marketing & Business Fundamentals
  • Content Creation & Revenue Generation
Full Sail大学丹·帕特里克体育广播学院的学士学位
Full Sail大学丹·帕特里克体育广播学院的学士学位
Campus Online

Developed in collaboration with 传奇体育播音员丹·帕特里克, 该计划为未来体育媒体领域的传播和生产需求准备有抱负的人才-重点是实践经验和专业指导.

  • Areas of Study
  • Multimedia Storytelling
  • Voice Training & Live Presentation
  • 新兴体育媒体技术
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Whether you’re ready to apply or want to request more information 如何开始Full Sail大学的学习, visit our Admissions section 详细了解申请要求,学费和可用奖学金.

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