Full Sail University


Since graduating from Full Sail, Emmi Litsenberger出演了从真人秀约会节目到即将到来的 American Horror Stories.

Emmi Litsenberger坐在草坪和树木前的门廊上. She is smiling and wearing a gray button-up shirt.

当Emmi Litsenberger还在上高中的时候,她的职业生涯就已经很明显了.

她笑着说:“我只是一个超级电影迷. “我的卧室里有几百张蓝光和dvd,都是按字母顺序排列的. That's pretty much all I did. I just went and worked at the movie theater, watched movies, became very obsessed, and eventually found my way to Full Sail.”

Emmi’s passion for movies served her well in Full Sail’s Film bachelor’s program and beyond. 如今,这位毕业生住在纽约市,在Waldron casting公司担任选角总监.

埃米毕业两周后就搬到了纽约. 只够付一个月的房租和拉面, 毕业生开始申请她能找到的所有电影职位. 她在HGTV的一档真人秀中找到了一份选角助理的工作, 然后在接下来的几年里,在电视真人秀节目中工作.

“In reality TV, which is the craziest process, 基本上就是在Instagram上给很多人发短信,然后像个怪人一样, ‘Hey, I promise I'm real. 我是选角的你对HBO Max的相亲节目感兴趣吗?’” she says. “From there, if they're interested, 我打了个电话,详细说明了节目的标准,以及我能分享的关于节目和电视台的信息. 然后我们安排一个录制的变焦,我用它来向网络推销他们.”

这才是选角的根本,就是合作. You just hear all the crazy ideas they come up with, 你会遇到十年前也在卧室里囤积dvd的人. I would say that's the most exciting part.”

艾米参与的一些真人秀节目包括游戏节目 The Misery Index, Who Wants to be a Millionaire?, MTV’s Help! I’m in a Secret Relationship, Food Network’s Chef Boot Camp, HBO’s Swiping America, and A&E’s Voices Magnified. As she was casting reality shows, 艾米从一名自由选角助理到现在的选角导演 Waldron Casting. 最近,她开始为有剧本的项目寻找背景演员, 这需要一种不同于真人秀节目选角的方法.

 “我不认为人们会过多考虑背景演员. If you want to take Jaws, for instance, when the first person gets attacked, 如果只是主角跑向镜头,那就不一样了. 海滩上的100个人在救援船只的帮助下飞奔而去[产生影响], and all of that is background actors,” she says.

她继续说道:“我们选择背景演员是基于他们是否适合这个项目. “这真的很符合这一集的愿景. We'll talk to the director and say, ‘Here's five, 10 people that we think fit what you're looking for,或者“如果你想让整个房间都有足够的演员,这里有100个人。.“如果这是一段时间,或者只是一些非常未来的东西, 一些非常具体的关于他们应该是什么样子的东西, we'll put them in wardrobe as well. We also book cars, models, all of that.”

到目前为止,Emmi最喜欢的剧本是即将到来的《og体育》 American Horror Stories -她喜欢与系列导演一起寻找完美的幽灵背景演员.

American Horror Stories, it is crazy and fun. 我只是去参加这些会议,董事们会告诉我, “我需要一个能变身怪物或者能变身的人.’ I'm like, ‘That is insane, but I love it.“然后你就会疯狂地试图找到一个人来扮演导演想出的这种生物或超凡脱俗的东西. 我想说,到目前为止,恐怖片是我最喜欢的演员类型。. It keeps it interesting,” she says.

在节目播出前阅读剧本,并在选角过程中发挥自己的创造力是艾米最喜欢的工作, but people skills are just as important. Emmi communicates with actors, directors, producers, and other team members to successfully cast a project, 她喜欢和和她有共同爱好的人交往.

“与意想不到的人合作(是我工作中最令人兴奋的部分),”埃米说. “这是选角的根本,只是合作. You just hear all the crazy ideas they come up with, 你会遇到十年前也在卧室里囤积dvd的人. I would say that's the most exciting part.”

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