Full Sail University

The Two Grads Who Manage Tim McGraw's Brand

詹姆斯·斯图尔特和布莱恩·卡普兰成功实现了一个梦想——成为最好的朋友和同事, they’ve built dual careers by helping each other out. 现在,他们联手推销乡村音乐界最著名的明星之一.

The Two Grads Who Manage Tim McGraw's Brand - Hero image

When James Stewart and Brian Kaplan graduated from the Recording Arts program in 2004, 他们没有想到,再过15年,他们才会再次踏上校园——这一次是向学生们讲述他们的职业生涯.

James and Brian currently serve as co-vice presidents of EM.Co这是一家精品创意公司,只代理一位客户:乡村巨星蒂姆·麦格劳(Tim McGraw). 他们是五人团队的一部分,负责营销和管理蒂姆品牌的各个方面——从赞助, philanthropic partnerships, and brand extensions to international tours, music videos, and content distribution. 他们很幸运能和蒂姆一起周游全国, 利用多年的友谊和相互支持所产生的个人和专业的协同作用.

詹姆斯说:“在学校的时候,我们肯定想出了一百万个不同的商业点子. “So the goal and the drive was always there. It was a meandering path. But the drive, the friendship, that never changed.”

After graduation, 詹姆斯搬到了纳什维尔,在那里他在太阳唱片公司找到了一份母带工程师的工作, 这个著名的工作室和独立厂牌为埃尔维斯·普雷斯利的事业奠定了基础, Roy Orbison, and Johnny Cash. Meanwhile, Brian headed to Los Angeles, 他在环球音乐新兴的数字营销部门找到了一份工作. 他们两个朋友保持着联系,偶尔在工作上互相帮助.

“我在太阳唱片公司工作,有一天我的即时通讯工具坏了. It’s Brian. He goes, ‘Hey can you edit this for me?’ And he sends me an audio file. I open it up, and it's Snoop Dogg. 我帮他编辑,然后寄回去,他说,‘谢谢!’ And I don't hear from him for two weeks,” laughs James. “我敢肯定,这让他看起来像个摇滚明星,因为他很快就扭转了局面.”

“I needed some extra help. 我知道一个好朋友可以免费帮我,”布莱恩补充道. “After a few years at Universal in L.A., I met my now wife, 我们决定纳什维尔是一个适合成家、有房子、过舒适生活的好地方. And James was there, which was a bonus.” He put in for a transfer.

James went to work for Universal in 2009, 布莱恩去了索尼纳什维尔,负责他们的数字营销部门. 当环球和百代在2012年合并时,詹姆斯发现自己陷入了裁员的困境.

“I was lucky,” says James. “我开始和一个叫斯科特·西曼的人合作,他是蒂姆·麦格劳的经纪人. 他们通过索尼纳什维尔公司签订了发行协议,这也是与布莱恩的另一个联系. So we were both doing digital marketing.”

Scott decided to launch EM.Co in 2015. 他带来了詹姆斯,不久,布莱恩也加入了这个团队. 从那以后,专辑发行,巡演,甚至一些意想不到的胜利就像旋风一样循环往复. James, Brian, and their team were honored with a Clio Music Bronze award 为了推广蒂姆的单曲《OG官网》而进行的病毒式营销活动.到目前为止,这段视频在YouTube上的浏览量已经超过6400万次.

“这是蒂姆最后一个个人项目的第二或第三首单曲,”詹姆斯回忆道. “它是在2016年初大选之前发布的. There was a lot of political turmoil and infighting, and a lot of weird things happening on social media. 乡村音乐界的其他人则专注于关于卡车、女孩和酒的歌曲, 现在我们要唱一首关于谦卑和善良的歌谣. 这确实与当时正在发生的事情背道而驰.”

The employees of EM.Co面临着一个挑战:在两极分化的时代,你如何推销基本的人类尊严? They started by choosing their partnerships wisely. 几个商业品牌找到蒂姆和他的团队,想在他们自己的品牌推广活动中使用这首歌, 但利用这首歌的信息来卖东西,感觉是违反直觉的. Instead, 他们与奥普拉(Oprah)和泰勒·佩里(Tyler Perry)等名人合作,推动了一项专注于在世界各地的社区培养善良和善行的运动.

“我们开始看到小学参加‘谦卑与善良周’的视频,” says Brian. “The first videos were classes of maybe 20 kids. Then we started getting videos with 100 kids, 然后成千上万的人都唱着这首歌,学习如何更多地给予和善良.”

“It resonated with people,” adds James. At a time that was really tumultuous. 看到人们播下鼓舞人心和充满希望的故事真是太棒了.”

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