Full Sail University

与Jason Aldean和Lee Brice合作的节目制作毕业生巡演

赖利·埃斯勒(Ryley Esler)在一些乡村音乐的大型巡演中担任视频技术员,将自己所学的知识付诸实践.


乡村歌手杰森·阿尔丁(Jason Aldean)的粉丝们在2021年重返马鞍巡演期间欣赏了一场竭尽全力的舞台表演:这位歌手在巨大的视频屏幕背景下演唱了他的热门歌曲,屏幕上有3D渲染的养马场景. 这么大的一场演出需要懂行的舞台工作人员,还有2019年 Show Production 毕业生赖利·埃斯勒(Ryley Esler)在那里为音乐会的现场视频元素工作. Ryley在Full Sail的真实经历以及他对寻找有助于他在职业生涯中前进的角色的奉献精神帮助他在乡村明星的巡演中赢得了一席之地.

当大多数孩子还在玩积木的时候,赖利就进入了娱乐圈:他六岁的时候就在家乡温哥华做背景工作,整个童年都在用手持摄像机制作定格动画视频. When it was time to head off to college, Ryley决定继续他对音频感兴趣的教育, and he picked Full Sail’s Recording Arts degree. 但在节目开始几个月后,他掌握了现场切换器和控制台, 他认为现场直播的快节奏更符合他的喜好. 他转到演出制作,并爱上了这份工作.

In addition to his efforts in the classroom, 在Full Sail工作期间,赖利主动获得了丰富的简历经验. He worked events like educational panels and WWE's NXT shows, 这让他为现场活动中快速安装和拆卸设备做好了准备. He also learned how to use a Ross Carbonite video switcher; he helped program and install them in the Full Sail University Orlando Health Fortress, the campus esports arena, while he was a student.

“When Full Sail was building the Fortress, 我在编程(罗斯)切换器,我实际上做了一个完整的罗斯培训. 我想我是得到这个机会的三个学生之一,”他回忆道.

To gain even more experience, Ryley took on small jobs outside of class, like running audio and lighting for wedding bands. Those gigs, combined with persistent outreach to employers, helped him continuously land jobs after he graduated. 2021年,他参加了杰森·阿尔丁(Jason Aldean)的Back in the Saddle Tour巡演.

During the tour, 赖利负责为每一场现场表演设置与视频相关的一切, 从LED屏幕到摄像头到处理器,再到他在Full Sail掌握的Ross Carbonite切换器. His days began around 7 AM, 当他和其他工作人员一起从旅行团的卡车上卸下设备时. 他会继续卸货和安装设备,直到晚上7点左右, 他将执导这部剧的开场,然后在杰森·阿尔丁的整个表演过程中操作摄像机. After Jason took his final bow, Ryley and the crew began the adrenaline-fueled process of loading all the equipment back onto trucks; they only had about 90 minutes to get everything ready for the next city.

“Being able to experience [loading and unloading] at Full Sail and how it works in the real world was pretty valuable; I wasn’t shocked when the first one happened,” Ryley says.

Ryley recently hit the road with Lee Brice. 虽然这次巡演规模较小,但赖利的角色更加复杂,他正在获得至关重要的经验. He’s setting up engineering racks and processors, 从创意的角度来看,他更多地参与了关于剧集视频元素应该如何工作的讨论. 关注未来帮助赖利在职业生涯中不断前进.

“[It helps] being one step ahead of yourself, ‘这就是我六个月后想要达到的目标, so what can I do to get there?而不是安于现状,”他说. “If you want to keep moving up, then you have to push for it, 因为很可能没有人会给你一个比你现在拥有的更好的机会.”

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