满帆 University

National and 当地的 Companies Recruit at On-校园 Career Fair

Employers from a variety of industries gathered in the 满帆 Live building to connect with alumni and students nearing graduation.

A bustling career fair with several booths set up. In the center, a giant LED screen welcomes guests to the Career Fair.

校友 and students with less than three months until their graduation gathered in the 满帆 Live venue last week to attend 满帆 University’s annual Career Fair, hosted by the 职业发展 department. Several local and national companies, including Walt Disney World, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, 和奥兰多魔术队, set up booths and spent the day chatting with potential new hires.

“It's an opportunity for us to get as many employers as we can into a room at one time that have jobs in hand, that feed multiple degrees, and have the maximum amount of opportunities for our grads,” said Employer Development Manager Jamey Hopper. “It's [also] a chance to network, but it's also mainly to get a job, to be hired.”

We came to 满帆 for its career fair because we’re looking for people who have experience in technology, AV, (和)现场活动."

Employers were selected for the fair based on the number and variety of openings they had, ensuring that students and alumni from most degree programs had an opportunity to find positions they were interested in and qualified for.

“We always try to make sure there [is] something for everybody in that sense,” Jamey said. “We want multidimensional companies… We want a company that can hire tech, 雇佣的电影, hire some businesspeople, 雇佣音频.”

Several local companies took part in the career fair, giving students the chance to learn more about opportunities in their community.

“We came to 满帆 for its career fair because we’re looking for people who have experience in technology, AV, (和)现场活动,” said Jennie Smith from Our DJ Rocks, a female-owned DJ company based in Apopka, 佛罗里达.

Several companies that would usually not be associated with technology or entertainment industry positions were also present, including the Orange County Library.

“People don’t think of libraries when thinking of the specialized degree programs [offered at 满帆], but we actually have positions for recording studio instructors and photography instructors… We have simulation labs… Those things require specialists,” explained Ruben Cortes, 一个多样性, 股本, and 包容 Specialist at the Orange County Library.

一整天, students and alumni could also attend scheduled presentations from employers like Disney Cruise Line, 蓝色的起源, 和其他人.