Full Sail University

教师焦点:Dave Harris(节目制作课程主任)


Dave Harris crouches next to broadcast equipment, including mixing consoles and a communications system.

What did Disney’s 50th Anniversary Celebration, the Red Sox 2019 World Series ring ceremony, 以及2022年ESPN体育大世界的啦啦队和舞蹈比赛都有共同点? Aside from being huge, televised events, 他们还有一名经验丰富的音频专业人员在幕后工作: Full Sail Show Production course director Dave Harris. 这位终身发烧友多年来一直在音乐会和大型广播节目中工作, 他利用这段经历向他的学生讲授最新的设备和基于网络的音频系统.

戴夫在很小的时候就开始弹钢琴,并在高中时发现了音频制作,当时他为学校的戏剧制作声音. He started doing freelance audio work right after he graduated and continued playing the keyboard throughout his adulthood; he plays in several Grateful Dead tribute bands, 他曾经和感恩而死乐队最初的键盘手一起巡演过. Dave also owns Dave Harris Custom Restorations, where he repairs, restores, and tunes instruments and audio equipment. 他作为一名自由音频工程师工作了近18年,大约6年前,当他开始与中佛罗里达大学田径协会合作时,他的曲目中加入了广播体育音频.

自2013年加入Full Sail的教职员工以来,Dave一直担任实验室讲师 Audio Measurement Systems and developed curriculum for Advanced Show Production Systems and Sports Broadcast Production. His current focus is Show Production System, 一门课程,涵盖了音频设备的内部工作原理和技术概念,学生需要在毕业后投入使用.

Dave在《og体育》之外所做的音频制作工作与他在课堂上所教授的内容相吻合. He helps set up, run, 并排除现场活动和广播制作的音频网络故障, including concerts and sporting events. 他参与的一些广播和活动包括MLB春训, AEW Wrestling, Orlando City Soccer, and the NFL Pro Bowl. 他工作时使用的数字网络和设备与他的学生在节目制作系统中使用的是相同的.

For example, Dave teaches his students how to use Dante, 一种将多个音频通道通过以太网传输到目的地的系统. Full Sail在其Live 1场地以及校园内的其他几个场地使用了Dante. In the industry, 从音乐会到足球比赛再到大型企业活动,Dante都被广泛使用.

“我在课堂上展示了很多(我在红袜队演出时的)照片,因为我们在课堂上教授的正是雅马哈控制台. We were using Dante, which we teach in that class. 那些特别的演出是一项体育赛事, but we're working with a musical act, and it's really held by a corporate company. 它将体育、音乐和企业的各个方面结合在一起. 这就是我在课堂上教的很多东西,不同的途径,”戴夫解释说.

When he’s working a freelance job, 戴夫还依赖于相同的音频通信概念和IT基础知识,他与他的学生分享. 他在迪士尼50周年庆典上的经历只是这些技能在专业环境中发挥作用的一个例子.

“我们有一个摄像机和一些音频馈送(在迪斯尼50周年庆典上)。, an earpiece for the reporter, and we needed to send all that through a telephone line, out to the news station so it could get live on air. 所以这就是我们在通信实验室教授的内容之一。.

戴夫喜欢把这些概念带到他与学生一对一的联系中. 展示他的课程的实际应用,并看着他们毕业后取得成功,是他在Full Sail工作中最有价值的部分之一.

“I try to just show the students, and I really tell them, “这是你每天都会用到的东西,’ versus, ‘This is some of the academia. You're getting your bachelor's in audio. So, you have to learn [some theories], but here's the stuff you have to know, and you're going to be using it daily,’” he says. “我真的试图区分这一点,因为很多学生都会看到数学, in particular, and they'll just be like, ‘Why are we learning this?’ Or, ‘Where do I actually apply it?“很多这些东西,我每天都会用到一些.”