
教师 Profile: 艾米丽雷 (Integrative Portfolio Specialist, 媒体通信)

艾米丽雷 brings insights from her advanced degree and her expansive freelance business to 满帆’s 媒体通信 Project & 投资组合的课程.

教师 Profile: 艾米丽雷 (Integrative Portfolio Specialist, 媒体通信) - Hero image

艾米丽雷 相信帮助人们走向成功. 作为项目的负责人 & 满帆的投资组合经验 媒体传播学士课程, she works with a small team of faculty members to mentor students as they explore their 利益 and construct a professional body of work. She also has a bustling freelance business where she creates digital content for her 客户端s and positions them for smooth sailing by training them in workflow systems.

虽然她兼收并蓄的专业经验和 教学设计 & 技术 (原教育媒体设计 & 技术) master’s degree from 满帆 give her a unique perspective to share with her students, Emily wasn’t always certain that she wanted to be an educator. She graduated from Florida State University with dual bachelor’s degrees in psychology and criminology, but during her internships she noticed that she gravitated towards tasks in education, 媒体, 和设计. 毕业后, she tried her hand at different jobs in public relations and technology, then started her own company and took on freelance branding and web design for small businesses and entrepreneurs. 几年后, she realized she needed to return to school to keep up with the industry’s changing landscape.

“There was a part of me that was making a living through my business on this skillset that I had, 但我可以看到,这并不是真正需要的,艾米丽说. “我的意思是, 当然高端产品也需要它, but a restaurant can easily hop on Canva now and create some advertisement. That was really kind of what prompted me to go back to school, 也就是说, “我该如何利用我的技能来实现不同的目标??’”

艾米丽找到了满帆的教学设计 & 技术 master’s program and felt that it was a perfect fit. It built on her design skills and helped her add an educational component to her business.

“I build experiences or products or tools that help people do what they need 要做. 我的业务的很大一部分变成了创建工作流或工作 products that I can train these businesses on how to use and then 把一切都交给他们. 我得到了那种乐趣, 有创意的, 每个项目的战略部分都要进去, 找出答案, 弄清楚需要什么, 构建 systems and then train internal people on what we create,” Emily explains.

Plenty of 客户端s in Florida and beyond have taken advantage of Emily’s strategic and artistic skills. She’s created digital content solutions for businesses across a range of industries, 包括餐厅, 律师, 马治疗机构, 职业发展公司. She’s done photography for Florida state representative Anna Eskamani as well as consulting and volunteer work for local organizations like Zebra Coalition, 奥兰多联盟, 以及中佛罗里达基金会.

尽管生意蒸蒸日上,艾米丽还是把《og体育》放在第一位. 她开始教教学设计 & 技术 in 2010, then became a Course Director for the 媒体传播学士课程. She shifted into the role of Integrative Portfolio Specialist a few years later. 她为七个项目中的每一个都写了课程 & 投资组合的课程 that students take on throughout the 媒体通信 bachelor's program, and she plays an active role in facilitating the classes and mentoring each student.

“(课程)侧重于个人发现, 专业的清晰度, 还有技巧的展示. 本质上, students enter into a choose-your-own-adventure learning journey where they explore who they are, 他们所擅长的, 以及他们希望如何为雇主带来专业价值, 客户端, 或团队,她说。.

Emily draws on her professional experiences and local connections when she works with MCBS students, but the realization she had early in her career about pivoting her skill set is one of the most important qualities she brings to the Project & 组合类.

“It's a big part of what I bring to my students at 满帆, 那就是你如何转化你的技能, 利益, and abilities into a career that is meaningful but also thriving,艾米丽说. “How do you continue to remake yourself and your abilities to attend to the needs of a 客户端 or to the moment? We really look at that: How do we skin ourselves to address the needs of the moment as educators, as digital content creators in almost every role in industry?”