Full Sail University

Computer Animation Grad is a Podcast Producer and Author

计算机动画毕业生Phil Ellering制作了一个关于现实捕捉网络3D地图的技术精湛的播客,并在一边写儿童书籍.

Phil Ellering stands in a podcast recording booth. He is wearing a black baseball cap with an RCN logo.

菲尔·埃勒林(Phil Ellering)还清楚地记得,大专时的一次集会改变了他的生活. 他在数字艺术导论课上的老师坚持要他参加一个关于电脑动画的演讲, 但菲尔不太愿意去了解他舒适区之外的东西.

“我在设计这个标志,她说,‘菲尔,是时候走了.’我说,‘实际上,我还是不参加这个比赛了.’ And she looked at me, she goes, ‘You're going’… I went, 有一组学生是Full Sail的学生. 他们所说的一切都引起了我的共鸣. They were saying, ‘I wasn't a very technical person. 这所学校吓到我了……小组里的人说得越多, I thought, ‘Wow, I'm supposed to do this,’” he remembers.

那天菲尔回到家,告诉父亲他要去Full Sail学习 Computer Animation. 这个项目给了他信心和技术技能,让他展开了自己的创意翅膀,并走上了他从未考虑过的职业道路. Today he’s balancing his work as an editor, designer, 也是Reality Capture Network的播客制作人,他的儿童读物系列是关于《OG官网》的, a character he designed during his time at Full Sail.

菲尔与现实捕捉网络(RCN)的旅程始于他被其母公司聘为激光扫描技术人员, Nexus 3D. Nexus 3D使用激光扫描仪和无人机等工具来创建建筑场地的3D地图,并为石油和天然气公司等客户完成土地调查. 当Nexus 3D的创始人问菲尔是否愿意通过制作播客来帮助宣传公司的服务时,菲尔在公司的角色发生了变化. Phil jumped at the chance, 他很快就把他的视频编辑和动画专业知识,通过创建视觉动画飞行使用, motion designs, promotional animations, social content, intros and outros, and hype videos for the show.

The Reality Capture Network Podcast 已经成为3D技术行业的热门教育资源, 菲尔正在把他所有的技能结合起来,为RCN的第二次专业会议做准备.

“我认为,一直到现在为止,生活都在为我做好准备,为我担任这个职位做准备, 也就是说,尽你所能地身兼数职,尽你所能地努力工作,尽你所能地运用你的创造性技能,” he says. “It's been a huge undertaking, but it's been a lot of fun.”

When he’s not working behind the scenes at RCN, 菲尔腾出时间来做另一个创意项目:为一个名叫“闷”的人物创作一系列儿童读物. 他的女儿在退休后偶然看到菲尔的一幅旧画时萌生了这个想法.

“有一天,她发现了我在Full Sail的2D动画课上创作的一个角色的草图. The assignment was to do a character in a walk cycle. 最后我做了一个胖胖的、柔软的、友好的、简单的古板. I got done on the first day and the instructor, Sam, who had worked at Disney, walked by and goes ‘A,’” Phil recalls. “11年后,我女儿突然出现在现场,她找到了一幅古板的素描.”

菲尔的女儿非常喜欢这个胖胖的角色,她开始不断地让菲尔画古塔. They eventually started drawing together on a daily basis, 和女儿在《OG官网》上的交流启发了菲尔创作《OG官网》系列. 目前这个系列有两本书,第三本正在筹备中,菲尔 behind-the-scenes trailers for each book.

无论是和女儿一起画画还是编辑关于3D激光扫描仪的播客, Phil is creatively fulfilled. His enthusiasm for art set him on the right track, 但他在Full Sail的时光帮助他达到了新的职业高度.

“School was huge for me,” he says. “我不认为我会对自己扮演这样的角色有信心. If I could go back 15 years, 20 years and look at what I'm doing now, it would terrify me, 只是因为我的工作量和任务的数量. 但学校是最重要的,它能让你适应这种强度, the clip that you're going to be working at, and just staying nimble. It really did prepare me for what I do now.”