Full Sail University

Announcing the 11th Annual Hall of Fame Induction Class

Full Sail的名人堂仪式是一年一度的活动,我们表彰一群精选的毕业生,他们对自己的职业生涯表现出独特的关注和奉献精神, and serve as continuing inspiration to our student body.

Announcing the 11th Annual Hall of Fame Induction Class - Hero image

Full Sail大学自豪地宣布2019年Full Sail大学名人堂入门课程, 由六名对娱乐界做出杰出贡献的毕业生组成, media, and the arts. 新一代的入选将在Full Sail第11届年度名人堂周期间举行, scheduled to be held March 8-13, 2020.

Full Sail的名人堂是一个为期一周的校园系列活动,包括:

  • Guest lectures, panels, workshops, and hands-on technology demonstrations from leading industry influencers, experts, and companies
  • 职业社交活动的重点是为学生和毕业生提供就业和指导
  • 科技博览展示最新科技趋势及互动体验
  • Live musical performances featuring a variety of artists and genres
  • Interactive Creative Challenges for students and alumni
  • Gaming tournaments, film screenings, and more

In addition, several events will be made available to the public via online streaming, 本周还将举行入会仪式,以庆祝和表彰最新一批入会人员.

The inductees to be honored are:

Featured image - Hof 11 Inline

Michael Cardwell

  • Current Title: Founder/Creative Director, Digital Brew
  • 行业荣誉:迈克尔·卡德威尔是奥兰多视频制作公司的创始人和创意总监, animation, and design agency Digital Brew.
  • During his 14+ year career, Michael has established himself as a talented, award-winning cinematographer and producer. 他将自己的电影和商业教育运用到一家成功的公司中,并为他的员工感到自豪,这些员工由许多Full Sail大学的毕业生组成.
  • His company’s client list includes: Amazon, AdventHealth, GameFly, Cisco, Draft Kings, Ray-Ban, Cash Money Records, Walgreens, Norwegian Cruise Lines, and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.
  • In 2019, Digital Brew was listed #1683 on Inc. magazine's "Inc. 5000" list of fastest growing privately held companies in America.
  • Digital Brew as a whole has won 16 Emmy awards as a company.
  • 迈克尔个人获得了11个艾美奖,9个Telly奖和3个ADDY奖.
  • 2004 & 2005 graduate (Film & Entertainment Business)

Fela Davis

  • Current Title: Front of House Engineer & Content Creator
  • 行业荣誉:Fela的早期经历包括为行业巨头Clair Global和House of Blues工作.
  • 她目前是六次格莱美奖得主克里斯蒂安·麦克布莱德(Christian McBride)的前台工程师, mixing sold out shows across Asia, Europe, Canada, and America. 她还为罗恩·卡特、何塞·费利西亚诺、比拉尔等人混过.
  • Fela serves as a mentor for young women in audio with Soundgirls.org, and when not on the road, 她正在为自己的公司23dB Productions和One of One Productions Studio录制和创作新项目. 23dB specializes in live recording, producing original music, podcasts, and creating video and social media content for businesses (Focusrite, OWC, Lewitt Microphones, etc).
  • Fela在Live Nation NYC场地(Williamsburg音乐厅和Bowery舞厅)录制了移动多轨录音。, SiriusXM's Real Jazz show "The Lowdown: Conversations with Christian McBride," live broadcasts from The National Jazz Museum in Harlem, and Atlantic Records.
  • The studio also specializes in podcast recording that is also home to The Art of Music Tech Podcast that Fela hosts with her 23dB business partner, Denis.
  • 2002 graduate (Recording Arts)

Erin Eberhardt

  • Current Title: Lead Project Manager at Blizzard Entertainment
  • 行业学分:从Full Sail的游戏设计硕士课程毕业后, Erin开始从事独立游戏开发是作为奥兰多ZeeGee Games的副制作人. She later moved across the country to Anaheim, 在转到索尼PlayStation担任高级项目经理之前,她曾在加州的迪斯尼公园和度假村在线开发在线产品,并帮助推出PlayStation Now.
  • Currently, Erin works as the Lead Project Manager on Esports for Blizzard Entertainment, 她在哪里管理全球电子竞技赛事和项目规划的团队 HearthstoneWorld of Warcraft, and StarCraft II.
  • Erin was her class valedictorian and, in 2010, 谁是第一位从Full Sail游戏设计硕士课程毕业的女性.
  • Erin has been a contributor to Full Sail University’s esports program, guest lectured to current students on campus, and consistently supports the careers of graduates in the gaming industry.
  • 2010 graduate (Game Design Master’s)

Chris Kelley

  • Current Title: Staff UX Designer at Google
  • 行业荣誉:Chris Kelley是Google的UX设计主管,致力于增强现实.
  • Previously at Google, 克里斯领导了一个原型,做沉浸式计算(AR/VR)的交互研究,并致力于谷歌眼镜等可穿戴硬件体验.
  • In 2018, 他代表他的研发团队在Google I/O开发者大会上展示了他的研究成果, and his team’s work was featured as a Google Design “Best of.”
  • Prior to Google, Chris logged more than 15 years experience on commercial, broadcast, motion, and interactive design.
  • Chris曾与King and Country, Blur Studios, EVB, Nathaniel Howe Studios等合作.
  • His work has been honored with awards including: Cannes Cyber Lion, London International Award, FWA, Clio, ADDY, Horizon, and is a past Emmy award nominee.
  • 2002 graduate (Digital Media)

Mark Kilborn

  • Current Title: Sound Designer
  • Industry Credits: Mark Kilborn is an award-winning sound designer, mixer, and implementer with 15 years of experience in the video games industry. He has worked on various game franchises, including Forza MotorsportBrothers in ArmsTony Hawk, and Project Gotham Racing.
  • He spent nine years as one of the audio directors for the Call of Duty franchise, contributing to projects including Modern Warfare 3Advanced WarfareBlack Ops 1-3Exo ZombiesModern Warfare RemasteredCall of Duty Online and Call of Duty: WWII.
  • His projects have won MPSE Golden Reel and GANG Awards for sound, 他们还获得了英国电影学院奖和DICE杰出成就奖的提名.
  • 2004 graduate (Recording Arts)

Shaun McCabe

  • Current Title: Head of Technology at Insomniac Games
  • Industry Credits: Shaun McCabe is the Head of Technology at Insomniac Games, the award-winning developer of Marvel’s Spider-Man.
  • Shaun leverages over 18 years of experience in engineering, 创意和生产领导,推动创造世界级的玩家体验.
  • Shaun于2003年加入Insomniac Games,担任音频程序员,开发音频技术 Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal (2004), Ratchet: Deadlocked (2005) and the PlayStation 3 launch title Resistance: Fall of Man (2006).
  • 2009年,Shaun与Chad Dezern一起在北卡罗来纳州的Durham开设了一家新的Insomniac工作室. With the Durham studio, he co-directed multiple Ratchet & Clank titles and served as executive producer for Edge of Nowhere (2016), Feral Rights (2016), The Unspoken (2016) and Stormland (2019), for Oculus Rift; and Seedling (2018) for Magic Leap One.
  • Shaun作为嘉宾演讲者和小组成员讨论游戏行业中的技术. 最近,他作为主题演讲者出现在Synapse Orlando大会上.
  • 2001 graduate (Game Design)

Since 2009, Full Sail大学已经庆祝了一个历史悠久的传统,那就是Full Sail大学名人堂. 其目的是表彰那些对娱乐界做出杰出贡献的毕业生, technology, media, and the arts throughout the university’s 40-year history.

This honor serves as a tribute to the creative inspiration, technical brilliance, and determination of each inductee, 他们在十多年的职业生涯中孜孜不倦地奉献卓越, and their heartfelt commitment to the students, faculty, staff, and alumni of Full Sail University.

Additional information regarding events, special guests, and live musical performances will be announced closer to Hall of Fame Week. Please visit the official Full Sail Website 了解更多详情,请关注@FullSail,加入推特上的#FullSailHOF对话.

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